James Goodman, Architecture was established in San Juan Capistrano in March of 1989 to offer highly personalized architectural and consulting services to a variety of clients involved in a wide range of projects. Our firm fills a need for not only excellent designs, but also a comprehensive service geared to make the process of designing and construction of a project the exciting and rewarding experience it should be. This service involves assistance and council at every stage of the project, including site selection, programming, market research, design, construction cost control, governmental processing, and construction administration.
Our specialty is the unusual and challenging project where a high degree of personalized service is required. It is our belief that each client and their project is a unique one that requires thoughtful analysis of all criteria to arrive at an appropriate solution that meets all functional, legal, economic and esthetic requirements. We maintain a small studio that exclusively utilizes the latest in computer aided modeling, imaging, and drafting technology. Of particular interest and value is my extensive use of photo-realistic computer modeling where a project can be visualized from virtually any angle or perspective, and can be viewed in context with actual photos of existing conditions. These techniques are included in our services at no additional fee unlike conventional models or renderings that are usually developed at additional cost to the basic fee. We find that the ability to design and present a project in detailed, 3 dimensional views removes much of the mystery and uncertainty surrounding the design process. These computer visualizations are used throughout the design process and are continually updated to reflect the evolution and refinement of the design from start to finish. The value of this method of project presentation is also invaluable in public entitlement processing. James Goodman is personally involved in all aspects and phases of the project so that a consistent professional relationship can be maintained. Exclusive use of computer technology allows quick and accurate response without the need for a large staff.
James Goodman, Architecture is involved in a wide range of project types located in a number of geographic locations. We are currently providing services for a number of self-storage facilities for a range of clients. These facilities are located in Southern and Northern California and Oregon. Tenant improvement services and specialty manufacturing, office, and retail projects make up the balance of our work.
James Goodman, Architecture
JIm Goodman
Capistrano Beach, California
(949) 493-0740